dodge and burn photoshop plugin

Easy Dodge & Burn Photoshop Plugin

Dodging and Burning is a technique originating in the black and white darkroom. Primarily it was a needed to add interest to an image that might otherwise look “flat”.

Typically, a lot of black and white photograpghs would lack contrast and appear lifeless when printed. By Dodging and Burning it was possible to enhance the photos to make areas more prominent and features stand out.

By applying Dodging and Burning to selected areas of an image, you can lighten or darken them.  When we view a photograph, our brains work by subconsciously directing our eyes more towards light areas and away from the dark. Understanding this helps to unconsciously direct our viewers’ attention.

Photoshop Dodge & Burn Plugin

The Easy Dodge & Burn Photoshop plugin has been designed to make it easy to apply the dodge and burn technique inside of Photoshop.

The Dodge and Burn Photoshop Plugin is extremely easy to use and allows you to to target various parts of the image effortlessely.

Built from the ground up using the latest Photoshop UXP technology ensuring stabilty and responsiveness.

Easy Dodge And Burn For Photoshop

Dodge & Burn Shadows and Highlights

In the top section of the plugin, we have the option to Burn or Dodge either the shadows or the highlights within the image.

This is accomplished by selectively targeting those areas using the power of 16bit luminosity masks rather that the older 8bit selections.

Options include:

  • Lighten Shadows (3 variations)
  • Lighten Highlights (3 variations)
  • Darken Shadows (3 variations)
  • Darken Highlights (3 variations)
Burn Dodge Shadows Highlights

Dodge & Burn Fade

In the lower section we have a series of presets which target different areas of the image using the dodge and burn fade method.

Areas include:

  • Dodge Top, Dodge Bottom, Dodge Left, Dodge Right
  • Burn Top, Burn Bottom, Burn Left, Burn Right
dodge burn with perceptual gradient

Using the Gradiet Coverage slider we can set how much of the image we want to apply the adjustment to. There is also an option to select what type of gradient method to use including the new Photoshop Perceptual Gradient

Built In Videos

The plugin incorporates a built in custom video player where you can watch any product videos which have been recorded.

To access the videos, press the small icon in the upper right hand corner of the plugin.

photoshop uxp plugin video player

Check For Updates

Selecting the small hamburger icon ☰ from any of the new plugins I create allow you to Check for Updates ennsuring that you are always using the most current release.


  • Adobe Photoshop Version 24 and newer
  • Windows 10 and newer
  • Mac and Mac M1 chipset
DBW Tutorial Videos

Easy Dodge And Burn Version 3.0

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